The Connection Between Oral Health and Kidney Disease

Practicing good oral health habits is essential for those with kidney disease because of how those with the disease handle infections and bacteria. When the body is confronted with oral infections, inflammation occurs to help the body activate its defenses. This inflammation helps to kill the infection that is present. But some lingering infections can trigger chronic […]

Craving for Ice? You May Have Pagophagia!

If you have an intense craving to chew on ice, you might have a condition called pagophagia. This is often caused by a nutrition deficiency. Regularly chewing on ice is damaging to your teeth, and it might signal an underlying health condition. Read on to find out the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for pagophagia […]

Can Gum Replace Flossing?

A newly published study has found that chewing sugar-free gum for 10 minutes following a meal can remove as many as 100 million harmful bacteria from the mouth. This is fairly exciting news for people who love to chew gum and may even help reduce the need for flossing multiple times during the day. Here’s […]